Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Socialist On My Campus...I Don't Think So.

Candidate for U.S. Congress in Connecticut First Congressional District Chris Hutchinson of the "Youth for Socialist Action" aka Left Wing Socialist was on Campus today soliciting signatures to get himself on the ballot in November for the General Election. Go figure they didn't have permission to be there what a shock I know.

Being a person who believes in fair elections I brought my concern to administrators at the college, who after taking one look at the Propaganda I received and looking threw it called Campus Police and asked to find out whether or not they had the permission to be there. Now here is the biggest shocker...if your standing take a seat...hold on tightly...ready here it comes...THEY DIDN'T HAVE PERMISSION TO BE THERE!!! I am flabbergasted at this, I was in such shock that a candidate from left wing of the left wing was not following the rules. Very shocked indeed.

Needless to say I am happy to report Campus Police politely asked them to leave, and if they would like to do such a thing in the future that they go threw the proper channels and get permission from the college before setting up shop in the middle of campus. I also put in a call to the Secretary of State's office alerting them of the candidate collecting signatures without permission on State Property, and encouraged them to throw out every signature collected today on campus as they should be considered null and void. We already have one Socialist in office we don't need more, and with the help of The Greater Manchester Young Republicans we prevented another one today.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Greater Manchester Young Republicans Endorse Linda McMahon (Video)

"The Greater Manchester Young Republicans Endorse Linda McMahon"

Press Release:
Greater Manchester Young Republicans Proud to Endorse Linda McMahon for U.S. Senate

Manchester, CT, April 19th 2010:
Regarding the endorsement of Linda McMahon for United States Senate:

“As Linda McMahon has crisscrossed the Constitution State in her bid for the Republican nomination for United States Senate, one thing has become clear, Linda McMahon is the only candidate in the field with the ability to shake up Washington and give it the “Change” it rightfully needs. Linda’s views have been resonating with voters through the state and is evident by her recent poll numbers beating her closest Republican rival by ten points. Chairman Davis of the Greater Manchester Young Republicans said upon the groups endorsement that: “As Young Republicans and the future of this state, Linda has been the only candidate that has shown that she has a sound fiscally conservative plan to put Connecticut back to work and make the state more business friendly as well as making Connecticut a place for young entrepreneurs to start their business.” Linda’s experience running a business with over 500 employees and the company being named one of Forbes 200 Best Small Companies proves that Linda has a proven track record and the experience to put the people of Connecticut back to work. Chairman Davis told the group in attendance at the endorsement “It is an honor and pleasure today to announce our endorsement of Linda McMahon for United States Senate and we look forward to lending any resources we possibly can in making sure Linda is our next Senator from Connecticut.”